Monday, March 8, 2010

Blue Man Group

For Valentine’s Day weekend, I went to see a show at the Astor Place Theatre. The name of the show was the Blue Man Group. I was very excited because I had heard from my friends great things about the performance. During the performance, the Blue Men acted out scenarios using various types of instruments such as paint, tubes, toilet paper, drums and much more. The Blue Men are not allowed to speak to each other or anyone in the audience. During the performance, they selected volunteers to join them on stage and perform. One example was they selected a volunteer from the audience and took him behind the stage. The Blue Men were walking around the stage looking for people to help them perform their acts, and then it happen. The Blue Men spotted me. They came over to my seat and tried to pull me onto stage. I did not want to go, but I had no choice. The Blue Men then dressed me up as a Blue Women and began their first act. In the beginning, I was embarrassed, but as we continued the act I started feeling more comfortable and had a lot of fun. After the act was over everyone clapped and I went back to my seat. I will always remember going to see the Blue Man Group. I never thought I would be able to go on stage in front of hundreds of people but I learned then that I was able to do it.


see- to become aware of by means of the eyes or have the power of sight

heard- to have the power of taking in sound

acted- to perform by action especially on the stage

allowed- to assign as a share

selected- to pick out from a number or group

walking- to move or cause to move along on foot

perform- to do something requiring special skill

go- to move on a course

dressed- to put clothes

continued- to do or cause to do the same thing without stopping

clapped- to strike the hands together over and over in applause

learned- to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience

1. I __ to the movies with my Mom every Saturday.

2. Johnny _______ chocolate ice cream for dessert.

3. The actor ______ on stage.

4. My sister got _______ for the birthday party.

5. Ellie _______ how to walk.

6. The boy did good at his soccer game so the fans ________ loudly.

7. I go to the park to ___ the birds fly.

8. She _________ how to play the piano because she practiced every day.

9. Matthew _______ studying because he knew he shouldn’t stop.

10. Please continue _______ in a straight line.

11. I ______ the peanut butter candy because its my favorite.

12. She _____ her baby brother crying in the kitchen because he was so loud.

Grammar Point

Write the root verb of all vocabulary words. Notice some of the words may already be in the root verb form.


  1. Good entry! I never heard of the acting group, but it seems to be very interesting.

    Good grammar point! Could you give an example of a root verb, so your virtual students can follow it?
